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Mar 19, 2018
Accessible Yoga
My work is in helping others reconnect with and remember the space within that allows them to heal themselves. Healing cannot be a lone...

Jan 21, 2018
Yoga Therapy Private Sessions @ Prema Health
• • Your Whole Life is Your Movement Practice • • I am thrilled to announce that my schedule is now *OPEN* at Prema Health for Holistic...

Jan 17, 2018
Healing process.
There is no such thing as an endpoint when it comes to healing. No moment in the future where we get to say, “I did it. I ate all the...

Dec 26, 2017
Give yourself time.
These holidays ask a lot of us. During the time of year when it feels the most natural to retreat inward, when our bodies ache for...

Dec 21, 2017
On the evening of this winter solstice, the longest and darkest night of the year, I swam out far from the coastline. To a point where I...

Nov 28, 2017
Primal Vinyasa: You Were Born to Move
Primal Vinyasa is a practice that invites us to remember our truest nature. It reminds us that we are made to move, that are bodies are...

Nov 14, 2017
Proprioception is our sense and understanding of where we are in space. It is the sense that we are whole human beings in that all of our...

Oct 3, 2017
True Nature.
Take a quiet moment for yourself today. Remind yourself that it is our true nature to feel fully and freely. Especially when it is hard....

Sep 29, 2017
Vulnerability practice, pt. 2
Two years ago, I was struggling to recover from violent depressive episodes and various forms of dependency. I could barely speak to...

Sep 2, 2017
Forever a student.
A lot of people have asked this week if I am happy to be done with training. Friends, I am never done with training and that is one of my...

Aug 29, 2017
Just like that, the three days of intense tests and evaluations are complete. The advanced training that I have dedicated my heart and...

Aug 15, 2017
Do better.
Today it took everything I had not to cry standing in front of my class. We all were feeling it, and it felt like fraud not to say...

Jul 27, 2017
Class Planning: Garudasana
One of my favorite poses is Garudasana, named after the king of the birds. Eagle represents new beginnings, and clear sight. This pose...
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